- Amphibian Stage Productions’ comedy series continues this week with comedian Baron Vaughn. Vaughn’s been on late night shows, but he’s best-known for his role on the Netflix series “Grace and Frankie.” He’s also the voice of “Tom Servo” in the new Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Return. The show starts at 8:00 p.m. with local comedian Alvin Newsome.
- The galleries at Mountain View College hosts art collective Sour Grapes. Head there to see work from the Dallas-based crew that specializes in graffiti art, murals, graphic design, photography, video, and studio art.
- Local multimedia artist Shafaq Ahmad shows work at the Irving Arts Center. An accomplished multimedia artist, Ahmad’s work includes painting, print making, sculpture, digital media, mixed media and art installations.
For more on these and other events, explore the Art&Seek calendar.