I’ve decided that January just might be the perfect month to jump start creativity in your little ones. Think about it, the hub-bub of the holidays is over and we’re back into our routines with minimum holiday distractions until spring break. Plus, the cold weather is a great excuse for staying inside and breaking out the finger paints and modeling clay for the tinies.
Getting started can be a little rough sometimes–those video games are hard to put down–but nothing beats the satisfaction of creating a dinosaur watercolor , a macaroni necklace, or a bouquet of flower made from toilet paper rolls. And let’s face it, everyone in the house is pleased as punch with the results.
Here are some weekend events that are just the thing for tapping into your little chalupa’s creativity.

The 2015 winners of the Gardere MLK Jr. Oratory Competition. Photo: Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP
Get a jump start on the holiday weekend and a triple dose of inspiration to boot at the 24rd Annual Gardere MLK Jr. Oratory Competition. Hear elementary students from the Dallas ISD deliver original three-to-five minute speeches answering the question, “What would Dr. King say in his campaign speech if he were running for president this year?” The fourth and fifth grade finalists are on judged on delivery, stage presence and decorum, content interpretation and memorization. Watching these young people will make you feel good inside, and maybe motivate your own kids to try just a little bit harder on that oral book report they have to deliver in front of their class. The competition happens at the Majestic Theater Friday at 11 a.m., but if you can’t make it in person, you can watch it online via the Dallas ISD website.
Push bedtime back and stay out on Friday night for the Dallas Museum of Art’s monthly Late Night at the DMA event. You can create a light-up pin out of your favorite piece of artwork, get a behind-the-scenes look at the African Art Galleries, compete in a fun game of Are you smARTer than a Grow-up?, or just sit back and chill to the music of Rockestra as they cover everything from The Beatles to Lady Gaga. The museum will be open until midnight so you’ll have plenty of time to explore and find your muse.

Let the creative juices flow at the Kimbell. Photo: Kimbell Art Museum
Are the teeny-tykes already bored with video games and electronics Santa brought? Then head over to the Kimbell Art Museum this Saturday for some hands on creativity at their Kimbell Kids Drop-In Studio event. You and the kiddos can enjoy a brief gallery activity and then make an art project together. After you’ve created your masterpiece, be sure to walk over to the Gustave Caillebotte: The Painter’s Eye exhibition. The show is an excellent opportunity to introduce your budding artist to the real deal. The up close and personal setting of the Renzo Piano Pavilion makes the experience all the more special and exciting.
The nice folks at Oil and Cotton always have a boatload of cool workshops for kids. One of my favorites is the Saturday Weekly Art Class. There two sections for kids ages 4-6, and 7 -12. The younger group gets to experiment with a variety of art-making materials, concepts, and learn all about great artists from the past. The older group expores the design principals of rhythm, proportion and perspective through such techniques as drawing, oil painting, sculpture and mixed media. The 20-week class is a great way to expose your kiddos to a wide range of making art. It begins this Saturday, but you can start anytime during its run.
Got a kid that’s musical? Then come and meet the instruments at the Emily Fowler branch of the Denton Public Library this Saturday. Members of the North Texas Student Music Educators, who are music students at UNT, will be on hand for an Instrument Petting Zoo. Kids can get an up close and personal with woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments.