The Grand Berry Theater seeks to be the first theater in Fort Worth specializing in screening independent, local and art house film. In harkening back to a time where Fort Worth was filled with...
The Grand Berry Theater
The Grand Berry Theater seeks to be the first theater in Fort Worth specializing in screening independent, local and art house film. In harkening back to a time where Fort Worth was filled with motion picture theaters, we are taking names from 2 that still stand. The Grand, located near our neighborhood in east Fort Worth, opened in 1938 as a neighborhood theater for African Americans. The Berry, located at the intersection of Hemphill and W. Berry, opened near 1930 as a theater serving a predominantly white population. In providing a safe space that promotes coming together as yourself, we hope we can pay homage to how Fort Worth has grown and come together over the 90 years since these theaters first opened.
The Grand Berry Theater is a mission-driven, community-based business which strives to create a unique, high-quality movie-going experience by:
1. Promoting community within the theater and beyond by connecting strangers who might not otherwise meet and encouraging understanding through our diverse offerings.
2. Being accessible and welcoming to everyone in Fort Worth and beyond by being affordable and by offering a wide range of programming.
We believe that all people are created with an inherent worth, and look to treat others based on that value. We strive to create an organic community that allows people to be themselves. And, we believe that film is an artistic means of expressing personal experience and world views, and value these expressions as a means to create open dialogue.