The Goss-Michael Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to building an art collection that reflects the new and emerging creative methods of world-renowned British contemporary artists and...
Goss-Michael Foundation
The Goss-Michael Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to building an art collection that reflects the new and emerging creative methods of world-renowned British contemporary artists and also serves as an educational resource for promoting, motivating and inspiring young artists. George Michael and partner Kenny Goss, established the Foundation to share their personal collection with the public and increase the appreciation of contemporary art, specifically in the Dallas area. Longtime collectors, Michael and Goss have assembled a world-class collection of innovative art pieces that often encompass the personal experiences of the artists.
The Foundation's programming includes scholarships, lectures and seminars by recognized art personalities on the art itself as well as on the art of collecting and an artist-in-residency program, providing young artists with the means to pursue their dreams.