The Texas Astronomical Society (TAS) one if the oldest amateur astronomical societies in North America. Chartered in 1955, the mission of TAS is to promote the study of astronomy and related fields...
Texas Astronomical Society of Dallas
The Texas Astronomical Society (TAS) one if the oldest amateur astronomical societies in North America. Chartered in 1955, the mission of TAS is to promote the study of astronomy and related fields and to pursue observation and construction of instruments as a hobby. The Society holds open meetings, free to the public on the fourth Friday of every month at UTD exept November (moved to third Friday) and December (no meeting). At these meetings, we present astronomical programs of general interest in Astronomy, Cosmology, and Space Science. TAS membership is open to anyone interested in astronomy and related subjects and includes benefits such as a our monthly newsletter, special interest groups, and access to our 40-acre dark sky observing site north of the DFW Metroplex.