We believe God is knowable, not by our decision, not by our power, not by our science, but by His showing up in Jesus. That's why we want to live as His disciples, followers of Jesus. It's...
Peace Lutheran Church - Hurst
We believe God is knowable, not by our decision, not by our power, not by our science, but by His showing up in Jesus. That's why we want to live as His disciples, followers of Jesus. It's difficult, because we can't see Him with our eyes, but He has given us His Spirit to understand His Word, the Bible, which points us to Him. We don't just want to wander through this life aimlessly. We don't just want to amass a bunch of money in this world. We don't just want to acquire hundreds of friends on facebook. We want to know God and live on purpose for Him. We want to intentionally follow Him. He promises that, through Jesus' sacrifice, He is bringing us back to that amazing place of perfection in His presence.
We hope you will join us on this intentional journey. Everybody is invited. God doesn't just choose adults, or smart people, or rich people, or poor people. He chooses everyone in Jesus. He wants everyone to follow. Will you trust Him? You probably have all kinds of questions. Great! That's part of the journey. You probably have a lot of fears. Great! It's scary giving up control of the direction of your life. But honestly, with you at the controls how far can you get? You see, God isn't just knowable, He knows you! He wants...well, so much for you - way more than we can share with you here. Will you follow Jesus? With all your questions? All your fears? Come on, join us on the journey of faith.