The immersive journey begins with whispered questions, directions, and a divination to determine an individual’s map to the reality beyond our perceptions. Each stage of the Holy Bone will offer another inquiry, insight, and experience.
Life and death mortality, tension, absurdity, humor, and anxiety will rattle and jangle.
A sickness stone is pulled from your body at the Axis Mundi. Are you sincere? Authentic? A sense of humor is essential. Each stage another threshold. Reality exists somewhere between the visible and invisible, fear and embrace, the real and performed, time and timelessness. Then enter the labyrinth of life, meet the metaphysical alchemist, pose for a photograph of remembrance. Hear and feel the ways of the world, objects, machines, worms, and thoughts. Empty spaces are so full. A body-mind alignment to steady and ready you for the world, of course! Along the way, guided and misguided by Holy Bone free-radicals, agents of the surreal. Are they performing, are they real, are you? Does it matter anymore?
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- $20
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- 469.569.0970