Winner of the the 2005 Samuel French Canadian Playwrights Contest, The Kitchen Witches revolves around Isobel Lomax and Dolly Biddle, two "mature" cable-access cooking show hostesses who have hated each other for over 30 years, ever since Larry Biddle dated one and married the other. Circumstances put them together on a TV show called "The Kitchen Witches," and the resulting insults fly fast and furious while Dolly's long-suffering TV-producer son Stephen tries to keep them on track. As long as Dolly's dressing room is closer to the set than Isobel's, though, he faces a losing battle!
The Kitchen Witches is rated PG for mild language and runs May 20 - June 5, 2016, Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 pm and Sundays at 3:00 pm.
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- $15-$20
Box Office
- 817 354-6444