The Legend of Hiawatha: Stories & Paintings By Ed Copley is a 24 original oil painting series inspired by the iconic 19th century poem Song of Hiawatha by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Copley is one of America's most renowned realist painters, and he brings new life into this classic epic saga about the triumphs and tragedies of Native American hero Hiawatha. The exhibition is presented March 4 - April 8, 2016 by the Pearce Museum at Navarro College, 3100 W. Collin St, Corsicana, Texas. The exhibition is free with paid museum admission.
In keeping with the Pearce Museum's mission to remember our American past through artifacts, and art; this stunning exhibition combines art and literature to encourage a dialogue with visitors about our connections with those who lived here long before European contact. Call 903-875-7642 for more information or visit
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- $6-$50