PLEASE NOTE: the MFA Gallery URL has not been updated. The gallery has changed the date of the opening reception from January 11 to Saturday, January 18, from 6-9 p.m.
Mighty Fine Arts presents "essence" featuring new work by Amin Tejani on view through February 23, 2020.
The show opens on January 18 with a reception for the artist from 6-9. Also on Opening night, Wordspace presents an Artspeak performance by Buddy Mohmed. Buddy is a musician extraordinaire and a true virtuoso. He is a legacy journeyman of the Dallas music community and the unofficial high priest of Oak Cliff. He is the original American Bedouin and he has stories and lessons to impart to you. Listen well and receive the musical blessings he has to give.
The work of Amin Tejani seeks to strip away the trappings of appearance and reveal the inner burning flame of "reality." The images he creates are born of intuition and emotional resonance. Colors, shapes, and gestures are meant to define the ineffable. Mr. Tejani isn't intent on empirical representation. What he wants is to evoke the essence of those illusory forms that we inhabit. In this way, he hopes to amplify our consciousness and reveal the life within life.