Quick! Who is your favorite Dr. Seuss character? Mine is Yertle the Turtle. If you can spout out an answer, too, then you are probably one of many who enjoyed reading Dr. Seuss books as a child. Now as an adult, maybe you cuddle up next to your children or grandchildren and share the same stories with them. Seussical takes audience members on a musical journey through some of those classic stories. The winner of this Big Deal will win four tickets to see TheatreworksUSA’s production of Seussical at the Eisemann Center on April 7.
And while you at it you might also want to sign up for our other Big Deal – tickets to see Tommy Castro at the Granada Theater. And, as always, in order to win any Big Deal you must be an Art&Seek newsletter subscriber.
Sign up below for a chance to see a mischievous (but well-dressed) cat emcee the show Seussical.
UPDATE: We have our winners for this week. Don’t forget to come back and check out the Big Deals next week.