The next show up at Stage West is the musical comedy “First Date,” a co-production with Theatre TCU. When blind date newbie Aaron is set up with serial-dater Casey, a casual drink at a busy New York restaurant turns into a hilarious high-stakes dinner. What does the evening hold for our mismatched couple? Will it be a dating disaster or a perfect pairing? Win this Big Deal and find out. Our winning pair of tickets will be good for September 14 performance.
Need more date night suggestions? How about signing up for a chance to see Kenny G at AT&T Performing Arts Center? Or impress your date with your taste in musical diversity with tickets to see the international guitar band Tinariwen with Lonnie Holley at Canton Hall.
Please note: Only Art&Seek newsletter subscribers are eligible for the Big Deal. If you are not already a subscriber, you’ll want to sign up here for the newsletter first before signing up below. Winners will be selected by random drawing on Friday and will be notified by email. If the winner does not respond within 24 hours after notification, or cannot make the specified performance date, or declines the prize, another winner will be randomly chosen.
UPDATE: We have our winners. Thanks for playing.