Fred Eaglesmith will roll his school bus and RV into town when his tour comes to Dallas next week. Although he hails from Canada, the troubadour is known for successfully blending folk, country, Americana, rock ‘n’ roll and blues to create a “rocking elecro-acoustic North American” sound. Two Big Deal winners will receive a pair of general admission tickets to hear the singer/songwriter when he performs at the Granada on April 20.
Being the music lover that you are, you might also want to sign up for our other two Big Deals this week – tickets for Fort Worth Opera’s La Bohème and tickets for Big Bad Voodoo Daddy at the AT&T PAC. Remember: To win any Big Deal you must first be an Art&Seek e-newsletter subscriber.
Sign up below for a chance to see Fred Eaglesmith at the Granada.
UPDATE: Time ‘s up. We have our winners! Don’t forget to come back next week for some more Big Deals.