“Deferred Action,” written by David Lozano and Lee Trull, was a Cara Mía Theatre and Dallas Theater Center co-production in 2016. One year later, the production is Cara Mía’s first regional tour making stops in three different venues in North Texas, as well as outside of Texas.
“Deferred Action” centers around Javier, a young immigrant brought to the U.S. as minor and whose only home he has known is this country. Now the DREAMer finds himself caught up in the tangled-web of immigration law, politics, and the harsh realities of living in the shadows. Enter to win tickets to see the stirring drama on September 29, at the Latino Cultural Center in Dallas.
Be sure you also take the time now to check out our other Big Deals this week. Enter to win tickets to see “Hair” presented by the Dallas Theater Center at the AT&T Performing Arts Center or family passes to Autumn at the Arboretum at the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden.
Please note: Only Art&Seek newsletter subscribers are eligible for the Big Deal. If you’re not yet receiving our weekly emails then you’re missing out! You’ll want to take care of that first here before you sign up below. We pick our winners on Friday so be sure to check your inbox!
UPDATE: We have our winners. Thanks for playing.