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The Big Deal: Dallas Symphony Orchestra Presents Prokofiev’s Romeo And Juliet

by Gila Espinoza 14 Sep 2016 8:31 AM

Jaap van Zweden conducts the Dallas Symphony Orchestra performing selections from Prokofiev’s “Romeo and Juliet.”  Check out the video below to get insight from the Maestro about the Russian composer, and breaks down Prokofiev’s famous ballet score. Then enter this Big Deal for a chance to hear van Zweden and the DSO put it altogether for you in their Oct. 2, 2:30 p.m. performance at the Meyerson Symphony Center.

Be sure you take the time now to peruse and sign up for our other Big Deals. Throw your hat in the ring for a chance to see the musical “Bella: An American Tale” presented by the Dallas Theater Center at the AT&T Performing Arts Center. Or, enter for a chance to see Cara Mía Theatre’s powerful production “Crystal City 1969” at the Latino Cultural Center.

Please note: Only Art&Seek newsletter subscribers are eligible for the Big Deal. If you’re not yet receiving our weekly emails then you’re missing out! You’ll want to take care of that first here before you sign up below.

UPDATE: We have our winners. Thanks for playing.