The classic story of the spritied Anne Shirley from Prince Edward Island is adapted for the stage at Dallas Children’s Theater. Great for children 10 and up.
The show runs March 23 to April 1, and the Big Deal is giving away one family 4-pack of tickets, flexible for any weekend performance. Performances are at 1:30 p.m. on Saturdays; and 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Sundays.
You must be an Art&Seek e-newsletter subscriber to win. You can sign up for that right here.
Make sure to check our other Big Deals for the week: Click here for a chance to see Eisley at the Granada on April 1, and click here to win an awesome goody basket from the 3rd Annual ARTsPARK at NorthPark.
Enter here for tickets to Anne of Green Gables:
UPDATE: Thanks, we’ve got our winners.