Photo: Stage West
Take a break from the election season, and come sit a spell with one of politics’ most unforgettable characters. “Ann,” the Ann Richards play written by actress and playwright Holland Taylor, will take center stage at Stage West in Fort Worth next month. It is an inspiring and hilarious play that brings you face to face with the complex, colorful, and captivating personality bigger than the state from which she hailed.
Enter to for a chance to win a pair of tickets to the Friday, Oct. 14 performance. That day just happens to be a Prix Fixe Friday at Stage West, which means you and your guest get to enjoy dinner before the show in the Lobby Cafe.
Be sure you take the time now to sign up for our other Big Deals. Enter for a chance to see Texas Ballet Theater’s “Carmen & Danse à Grande Vitesse” at Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth, or tickets to see Barbra & Frank: The Concert That Never Was at the Eisemann Center for Performing Arts in Richardson.
Please note: Only Art&Seek newsletter subscribers are eligible for the Big Deal. If you’re not yet receiving our weekly emails then you’re missing out! You’ll want to take care of that first here before you sign up below for a chance to win dinner and a show at Stage West.
UPDATE: We have our winners. Thanks for playing.