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Giveaway: Passes to Just Like Us

by Stephen Becker 20 Jun 2011 4:57 PM

Members of KERA are invited to see the documentary Just Like Us at the Angelika Film Center in Dallas. The documentary takes a tour of the Arab world and, according to the film’s website, “uproots the widely held misconception that Arabs have no sense of humor – when in fact they laugh, and are, just like us.”

The first 15 KERA members to call the KERA RSVP line at 214.740.9252 will receive a pair of tickets to the show, good for as long as it is playing. Tickets are good for Monday-Thursday, excluding holidays.

Just Like Us opens on Friday.

UPDATE: Just Like Us director and star Ahmed Ahmed will participate in a Q&A following the 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. showings of the film on Friday.