- “Everyday People: An Evening of Storytelling” – Students from SMU’s Master of Liberal Studies program present excerpts from “Everyday People: An Evening of Storytelling,” written by their professor, Njoki McElroy. The stories are the real life stories of commuters on a bus. Professor McElroy says, “the bus serves as a vehicle for its passengers to transport views on current issues about race.”
- Lone Star Youth Orchestra presents “British Invasion!” – The Lone Star Youth Orchestra begins its season by exploring works by English composers such as Gustav Holst and Vaughan Williams. The LSYO consists of middle school and high school students from fourteen metroplex school districts and is the only tuition-free youth orchestra in the DFW.
- Artluck Lectures – Artist Alexa Alarcon guides artists and those wanting to learn figurative drawing with step-by-step instruction. The events have a minimum age requirement of 18 years-old, feature a live-nude model and is BYOB.