Back in January, the Latino Cultural Center presented a multi-media performance piece called The Cube. It was a meditation on the isolation and loneliness of the pandemic and what it means to be a community. Only three audience members could watch each performance, which comes with a surprise that organizers hope gives the audience a bit of what they’ve been missing for the last year.
Well, The Cube’s themes are sadly, still very relevant. And now, thanks to a grant from TACA and help from the Latino Cultural Center, you have another chance to see the show. The goal is still the same, said Ruben Carrazana, one of the creators.
“We want them [audiences] to leave with a sense of community again, to remember what it’s like to experience live art and to connect with other humans,” he said.
Performances start on March 3, but early tickets are already gone. The Cube continues through March 20.
Art&Seek’s Jerome Weeks made it to the first run of The Cube. From Jerome’s story:
“Ruben Carrazana, one of the show’s creators, acknowledged the whole set-up echoes a lot of pop-culture, sci-fi examples of disturbing white rooms and disembodied computer voices — like Hal, from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Or the racism detector in HBO’s The Watchmen, the psychological torture cell in The Ipcress File from 1965 or, well, White Chamber, the dystopian thriller from 2018.”
Got a tip? Email Gila Espinoza at You can follow her on Twitter @espinoza_kera.
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