tinsel: a Drive-Thru Immersive Holiday Art Experience is like nothing you’ve seen before. This free, family-friendly show takes place in West Dallas and combines art, music, and technology for an urban art experience that is fresh and new.
On Friday, December 18th and Saturday, December 19th folks can enjoy tinsel for free from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. The tinsel experience includes 12 original murals inspired by the Twelve Days of Christmas complete with a laser tunnel, projectors, and sculptural installations.
The show happens in the heart of the Tin District and Fabrication Yard near Trinity Groves. The murals stretch down the block on either side of the road. Folks are welcome to come before the show and walk around the exhibition. Many of the murals are lit with projectors and lights that make the art come to life.

“A Partridge in a Pear Tree” by Jeremy Biggers. Photo: Jessica Cross.

“Two Turtle Doves” by Trey Wilder.
Photo: Jessica Cross.

“Three French Hens” by Isaac Davies/IZK Art.
Photo: Jessica Cross.

“Four Calling Birds” in progress by Theo Ponchaveli.
Photo: Jessica Cross.

“Five Gold Rings” by Mariell Guzman.
Photo: Jessica Cross.

“Six Geese A-Laying” by Will Heron/Wheron Art.
Photo: Jessica Cross.

“Seven Swans A-Swimming” by Drigo.
Photo: Jessica Cross.

“Eight Maids A-Milking” by Ray Albarez.
Photo: Jessica Cross.

Close up of “Eight Maids A-Milking” by Ray Albarez.
Photo: Jessica Cross.

“Nine Ladies Dancing” by Sam Lao.
Photo: Jessica Cross.

“Ten L’s” by Jerod Davies, inspired by ten lords a-leaping.
Photo: Jessica Cross.

“Eleven Pipers Piping” by Hatziel Flores.
Photo: Jessica Cross.

“Twelve Drummers Drumming” by Brandon Adams.
Photo: Jessica Cross.
To see more from the artists, visit tinsel Dallas‘s Instagram account. If you visit the show, be sure to tag your photos and videos with #TinselDallas and #ADifferentWayToHoliday. You can support the artists directly by donating to them on the tinsel Dallas website. Donations go straight to the artists involved.

Recommended drive-thru route for tinsel Dallas. Photo: tinsel Dallas.
For a list of even more holiday activities around the North Texas area check out Art&Seek’s Holiday Event Guide.
Got a tip? Email Jessica Cross at [email protected]. You can follow her on Instagram @jessica.cross.
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