Every day on Art&Seek, we’re talking to people who have tips for socially distant art experiences. Share yours with us on Facebook, Instagram or @artandseek on Twitter. Click above to hear Jared Tredway, Executive Director of the Ghost Town Arts Collective, share his tip with KERA’s Nilufer Arsala.

Jared Tredway, Executive Director of the Ghost Town Arts Collective
The name might sound lonely, but since its inception Ghost Town Arts Collective has aspired to be a creative center for the Sherman and the North Texas area, also known as the Texoma region.
The Collective was formed back in 2007 as a maker-space for the arts community to connect and create, and for the community at large to experience the creative process through participation, appreciation, and education.
Currently, the group has a roster full of events. One community happening taking place Saturday night is Poetry Jams Open Mic Night. The monthly event serves as a platform for established and aspiring poets, storytellers, lyricists, and wordsmiths to meet and share their work.
“All skill levels are welcome,” says Executive Director Jared Tredway.” If you’ve got something to say, the mic is yours.”

Ghost Town Arts Collective
The poetry jam will be an in-person event in the group’s gallery space, but there is also a virtual option for those wanting to social distance.
“We’re doing sort of a hybrid version of this event,” said Tredway. “People can participate or watch via zoom, or if they prefer, they can come to the our gallery in Sherman and hang out in person. We are set up for social distancing.”
Tredway also adds that it is not required that you read or participate in a reading. If you just want to hang out with cool poets in this kind of creative environment that’s fine too.
The open mic night is designed for anyone who is already working on their written works and they need an audience to share with. If you want to develop the craft of poetry writing GTAC offers a workshop to help you with that. The Dancing Catfish Poetry Writing Workshop is open to all skill levels and is led by award-winning poet, Dr. Peter Anderson. During the six-week class Anderson will guide you as you make your work strong and effective.
A complete list of events, art programs, and exhibitions at the Ghost Town Art Collection can be found on their website and their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages.
Got a tip? Email TPowell at [email protected]. You can follow her on Twitter @TheresePowell13
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