Every day on Art&Seek, we’re talking to people who have tips for virtual art experiences. Share yours with us on Facebook, Instagram, or @artandseek on Twitter. Click above to hear Kathleen LaValle, CEO of Dallas CASA – Court Appointed Special Advocates, share her tip with KERA’s Nilufer Arsala.

Kathleen LaValle, CEO of Dallas CASA
You might not realize this, but last week the halfway point of summer stealthy came and went. I’m not talking about the official midpoint of summer–that doesn’t happen for another couple of weeks–what I’m referring to is the half-point of summer before school resumes. Since school is no doubt going to look a whole lot different this fall, it’s important to enjoy what time we have left of lazy, hazy and uncomplicated days of summer.
One annual summertime ritual you don’t want to miss is Dallas CASA’s annual Parade of Playhouses. This year, the playhouses will be on view through July 26 at NorthPark Center and online.

Dallas CASA
Now in their 25th year, the one-of-a-kind playhouses are created and built especially for the non-profit Dallas CASA’s (Court Appointed Special Advocates) annual fundraiser. Since the event began, it’s featured 310 houses and raised $2.8 million for Dallas CASA.
“This event raises funds to help us provide volunteer advocates for abused children in foster care,” said CASA CEO Kathleen LaValle, “And it also raises awareness for Dallas CASA and how people can get involved.”
Through donation, each house in the collection has been designed and built by local home builders, architects, construction companies and individuals.

Dallas CASA
“There’s a harvest house that celebrates sustainable farming, a beach house, and a Dallas Mavericks playhouse that opens into a basketball court,” said LaValle.
This year, three of the playhouses will be showcased at NorthPark Center. Taking precautions for public safety because of COVID-19 outbreak, the playhouses will be on raised platforms so patrons can view them, but they’ll be but out of reach.

Dallas CASA
All 10 playhouses will be available to view and purchase raffle tickets online at dallascasa.org.
Last year, 1,500 Dallas CASA volunteers served nearly 3,700 Dallas County child victims of abuse and neglect.
Got a tip? Email Therese Powell at [email protected]. You can follow her on Twitter @TheresePowell13
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