Look out! The Easter Bunny is headed your way!
Yes, yes. I know. Wabbit season is still two weeks away, but that wascally wabbit is getting a jump on the season this year (so to speak) and is hip-hopping all over town hosting egg hunts galore.
Here are just a few of the egg-ceptional hunts going on in our neck of the woods.
Teens and tweens act like everything is lame, but we all know they secretly want to take part in the Easter fun, too. The super cool Electric Egg Hunt is just the ticket for even the most cynical teen. Kids “hunt” black-light eggs after the sun goes down to win prizes from local vendors. Don’t worry about bringing a flashlight, the folks at the rec center will provide the kiddos with a special black-light flashlight. Pack a picnic and blanket or visit the food and beverage stands they’ll have available. The fun happens this Friday night, March 23 at Keller Pointe Recreation Center.
Hold on there, the Easter Bunny isn’t done with Keller yet. Get up early Saturday morning for Egg Scramble at Bear Creek Park. The free egg hunt features arts and crafts, games, and pictures with the Easter Bunny. Children will be divided into groups based on age, so be sure to arrive early to find your designated group. For kids that need a calmer hunting experience, check out the Sense of Adventure: Sensory Egg Hunt. This Egg Scramble for kids with special needs happens at 12 p.m. and requires pre-registration.
Hop yourself on over to Heritage Park in Irving on Saturday for the Citywide Egg Hunt. Kids ages 3-10, can hunt for thousands of toy-filled and candy-filled eggs, and the tinies, ages 1-2 years, can do an Egg Stroll. The Egg Stroll allows the littles to hunt for eggs at their own pace without the worry they’re going to get trampled by the big kids. Kiddos can also enjoy a petting zoo, go to town with craft activities, and snap a selfie with the Easter Bunny.
The City of Dallas is really going to keep the Easter Bunny hopping because their egg-cellent Eggs-travaganza is happening at not one, not two, but THREE different Dallas Parks & Recreation locations. That’s right, Kiest Recreation Center, Crawford Memorial Park and Jaycee Zaragoza Recreation Center are hosting a super-duper, free, citywide egg hunt on Saturday from 10 a.m to noon. Highlights include a variety of interactive activities, pictures with the Easter Bunny, and the largest egg hunt in town!

Photo: Farmers Branch Aquatic Center
Last one in the pool is a candy egg! The Farmers Branch Aquatics Center invites kids ages 4-11 to put on their swimsuits and jump into its indoor pool for the Easter Egg Splash. At this aquatic hunt, kids can collect eggs from the pool (some floating, some at the bottom of the pool) and exchange them for candy and toys. Kids are divided into groups by age and pre-registration is required. Get there early and enjoy games before the hunt.