University of North Texas broke ground on a $70 million building to house the College of Visual Art and Design Tuesday.
The original campus art building opened in 1970, but the arts program outgrew it. The new project renovates the original building and adds additional space for programs currently housed in many other campus buildings. The project includes space for classrooms, studios and a gallery —even a roof top garden for plants that fiber artists will use to dye materials.
The building’s set to open in 2018. Corgan, a Dallas based architecture firm, leads design on the project. It’s partnering with Machado-Silvetti in Boston for specialized design work.
Take a look!

The existing building and the planned additions.

Rendering of the new arts building at UNT.

A rooftop garden.

Gallery space.

The new building has 181 spaces for educational programs

An 18,959-square-foot multi-purpose courtyard, with landscaping and seating, at the heart of the building.