As Rose and I drove home from my brother’s house in Brenham this past weekend, we were delighted to find the Texas wildflowers in full bloom. The happy little bits of serendipity reminded me that Easter wouldn’t be complete without our obligatory I-45 bluebonnet pictures.
As enchanting as they are, the act of pulling off the highway for a picture definitely falls into the “easier said that done” category. Impatient travelers anxious to get to grandma’s house before the Easter ham is gone made slowing down to search for the perfect patch nearly impossible. And complaints from the backseat regarding my driving and “missing all the good ones” didn’t help matters either. Every year I vow to get the wildflower pictures along some quiet, deserted country road, but I never seem to remember until we’re deep into six lanes of autobahn-style traffic.
Bluebonnets are a nice reminder that it’s great to live in Texas in the spring. I guess that’s why getting photos of our babies in fields of the pretty little flowers is such a priority. They’re proof to our friends in the frozen north there’s no greater place on Earth than Texas–well, until July anyway.
Head outside and revel in the mild temperatures, sunshine and wildflowers with one of these weekend events.

Say hello to Bella the Begonia at BRIT this weekend. Photo: Botanical Research Institute of Texas
Enjoy the great outdoors and expose the kids to valuable STEM education while you’re at it when you visit the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (or BRIT, as it’s more commonly known) this Saturday. Once a month BRIT opens its doors for its First Saturday event so the public can take a closer look at all the exciting things going on there. You and the kids can take a self-guided tour of the LEED platinum building, explore the pocket prairie, geology wall, braided gardens, and wetland area. For the wee ones there’s Bella’s Storytime–a talking Begonia who helps the tinies understand the value of plants. FYI, while you’re at BRIT be sure to check out the Fort Worth Botanic Garden too. It’s just a short walk away.
While you’re soaking up all that vitamin D this weekend expose the kids to a little culture at the Nasher Sculpture Center. They’re hosting their own First Saturday event hosted by Target. In addition to enjoying all the art in the center’s garden-like setting, kids can also participate in a variety of programming geared especially for them. There will be an art scavenger hunt, yoga in the garden, and a craft activity. Best of all it’s free!

Cheer on your favorite team at the Base Ball Festival. Photo: Farmers Branch Base Ball Club
If it’s spring that means it’s baseball season. Grab your little sluggers and head to Farmers Branch Historical Park this Saturday for the Vintage Base Ball Festival. They’ll learn all about how the game was first invented waaay back in the 1860s and see real teams play according to historic rules from the Civil War Era. That means no gloves! Spectators and ballists in period dress will be on hand to answer questions and take photos. The festival is free and goes from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with different teams playing throughout the day.

The cotton bowl will be transformed into the world’s largest dog park for the Dog Bowl this Sunday. Photo: Dog Bowl
You and your four-legged babies will want to be sure to stop by Fair Park’s Cotton Bowl Stadium this Sunday for the annual Dog Bowl. Yes, I know this is a blog for kid’s activities, but honestly, what could be more fun than seeing Dallas’ most historic football field transformed into a super-sized dog park? Activities for Fido include giveaways, exhibits, canine crafts, and my favorite, a photo op with Fair Park’s famous Woofus statue for you and your dog. Best of all, if you’re looking for a new addition to the family, you and the kids can check out local dog clubs, rescue groups and animal welfare organizations with adoptable dogs along the sidelines.