Art&Seek Jr. is one mom‘s quest to find activities to end the seemingly endless chorus of the “I’m Bored Blues” while having fun herself. Impossible you say? Check back on Tuesdays for kid-friendly events that are fun for adults, too.
I don’t know about you, but with only three weeks left until Christmas, I’m feeling a bit harried.
This time of year it’s easy to get caught up in the “rush, rush, rush” to the point that the “fa, la, la” gets completely forgotten. I find that about now is a good time to step back, take a deep breath, and embrace simple holiday fun. And by simple I mean, those uncomplicated moments you share with your kids that remind you how great it is being a parent. They become the sweet memories you recall years later when you’re dreaming about December some hot July afternoon.
This week’s events fit the bill in the simple department. And, best of all, you don’t have to go anywhere near a mall.
There’s nothing better than a hand-made gift that comes from the heart. Well, okay, there ARE gifts better than a hand-made gift, but you get my drift. Get the Little Kiddles into a “giving is better than receiving” frame of mind with a craft making workshop at your local library. Here are a just few of the boatloads of library holiday offerings that you and your little ones can sample this week:
- Start a holiday tradition and create a luminaria with your little one at Audelia branch of the Dallas Public Library. Luminarias are the little lanterns that are a Christmas Eve tradition in New Mexico, where they are know as farolitos. Master storyteller Blanca Reyna will be there to tell a story about the lanterns of light. Kids will have the opportunity to decorate a lantern of their own especially for the holidays.
- Pop in for the Make and Take Craft event this Thursday evening at the Hurst Public Library. While you’re checking out the latest Stephen King novel the wee ones can make a seasonal craft to take home. All ages are welcome but the teeny tinies might need help from an older sibling or caregiver.
- Older kids can give something homemade to that special someone at the Teen Santa Workshop at the Haltom City Public Library . Duct tape is the medium that will produce the presents guaranteed to delight family and friends. It happens this Friday and all supplies are provided, so no stop at the Home Depot is necessary.
Nostalgic for an old-fashioned Christmas? Well, you can step waaaay back in time –1855 to be exact–at Christmas in London Town. This event is billed as “Scarborough Faire meets Oliver Twist for the holidays.” You and the kiddos can enjoy an interactive Victorian Christmas experience full of theater, food, street performers, musicians and vendors at this outdoor festival. Have yourself a merry little Dickisonian Christmas this Friday and Saturday evening at the Historical Park of Denton County,
See Christmas cards come to life this weekend–literally–at Granbury Living Christmas Cards on the Square. Each of the huge cards depicts a different yuletide scene, such as A Cowboy Christmas, A Granbury Winter Wonderland, and The Nativity. As you visit each card, it comes to life with actors, dancers, and singers who step out of the card and interact with you. Make a day of it and enjoy hot chocolate, live music and demonstrations from local craftsmen in the Christmas Artisan Village.
Join the Latino Cultural Center Sunday afternoon for its annual Posada Dallas. For those of you wondering, a Posada is the Latin American tradition of re-enacting Mary and Joseph’s search for lodging in Bethlehem. If you’d like to participate, meet at Central Square Park at the corner of Swiss Avenue and Oak Street Sunday at 4. The procession will walk down Swiss Avenue to the LCC plaza where carolers will be welcomed by mariachis and a Matachines dance troupe. The festivities will continue with live music on the plaza and crafts throughout the building.
Celebrate the spirit of the season at the Love Comes Down Live Nativity Scene at the Lake Highlands Presbyterian Church Sunday night. Silent actors will portray the Holy Family and shepherds, while animals such as sheep, goats, donkeys, and a cow add to the scene. The church’s choir will sing Christmas hymns and carols to complete the picture. After the 30 minute production be sure to stop by the activity center for hot chocolate and cookies.
Therese Powell is an Art&Seek calendar coordinator and KERA-TV producer. She spends most of her free time seeking out adventures for her 9-year-old daughter, Rose. Tell us about your quirky kid adventures by leaving a comment. Or e-mail Therese at