Tonight, 12 teams of artists from around the country will be projecting their work on the sides of the Omni Hotel. This week, we”re introducing you to the folks behind Expanded Cinema, which kicks of Dallas VideoFest. Join us at 8 p.m. on Friday to watch and tune into KXT 91.7 for the soundtrack. Meet all the artists and listen to a KERA interview with curator Mona Kasra. Thanks to Mona for the following information:
From: Dallas
His piece: “Roll”
Roll is a representation of the continuous activity and blurred movement that happens in our society. Being from New York and having lived in Dallas, I”ve been nothing but witness to the evolution of our cityscapes. As from previous works, I used video games to create this video, and just like our cities, the data within is always in constant change.
Bio: Kyle Kondas is a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Texas at Dallas. His studies include digital video production, on-line media, new media art and most recently the study of video games as art.? Kyle is also a video artist who has exhibited his work in several exhibitions throughout Dallas and has co-created three programs for the Dallas Videofest since 2009.
from Kyle Kondas on Vimeo.