A MUSICAL MOMENT: This summer, Stolen Shakespeare Guild is taking a break from the Bard to perform Guys and Dolls. So how does a company best known for comedies and tragedies handle a Broadway musical? “SSG goes simple in their production, choosing to rely only on a piano (Debra Young) for accompaniment. And yet, the lack of a more robust orchestra doesn’t really detract from the show,” Kris Noteboom writes on theaterjones.com. “Proper amplification and generally strong vocal performances make the presentation more than adequate.” Punch Shaw was mostly pleased but has a few quibbles. “This generally impressive take on the story of a likeable bunch of New York lowlifes who have high ambitions shines in its storytelling and characterizations, but does not always fully realize the musical possibilities of the colorfully stylized comedy,” he writes on dfw.com. Catch it through Aug. 11.
A VACANCY: Mario Tarradell announced yesterday that he’s leaving The Dallas Morning News after 18 years at the paper. Since 2008, he’s served as the paper’s pop music critic, and before that, he wrote about country and Latin music. “It is time to move on, to explore other opportunities, to dive into new challenges. I am excited and hopeful. I still love music, though,” he wrote on his Facebook page.
A NEW MUSEUM: Downtown Dallas could one day be home to a South Asian museum and cultural center. Dallas doctor Vinay Jain has bought a primo chunk of land just on the other side of Woodall Rodgers from the Perot Museum of Nature and Science, and he’s putting together a team to develop the project. “The community of Indians is getting to the point they have accumulated wealth,” Dr. Jain tells dallasnews.com. “Now there is an opportunity to contribute back to the community.”