REVISITING THE RENAISSANCE: For Knock Me a Kiss, Jubilee Theatre turns to an important story in black history. It focuses on the wedding of W.E.B. Du Bois’ daughter Yolande to Harlem poet Countee Cullen, a major social event of the Harlem Renaissance. It all works quite well for Punch Shaw. “Director Tre Garrett has done a great job of casting and staging this show,” he writes on “He allows his players to go right to the edge of overdoing their parts and then reins them in just before they go over the precipice.” Jimmy Fowler has a few quibbles but came away mostly satisfied. “In its best moments, Knock Me a Kiss manages to be a smart, multi-layered character study that’s also dishy fun,” he writes on “Director Garrett allows his talented cast to indulge in the kind of big, boisterous, audience-pleasing comic moments that Jubilee’s late founder Rudy Eastman was famous for yet maintain the focus and integrity of their distinctively drawn characters.” Check it out through June 16.
LISTEN UP: More than 25 Dallas singer-songwriters have come together to produce the digital album Dallas for Moore. It’s a free download, but the hope is that you’ll donate a few bucks when you hit that download button. All the “tips” will go to help the people affected by the recent tornado.
QUOTABLE: “Unlike some public radio personalities when they come to town, I will not sing.”
-Ira Glass, in an interview with ahead of his show at the Winspear on Saturday.