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Art&Seek Jr: Guaranteed Stress Relief Fun

by Therese Powell 23 Apr 2013 2:55 PM

Feeling stress-out? Have a little fun this weekend with these picks from the Junior.


Art&Seek Jr. is one mom‘s quest to find activities to end the seemingly endless chorus of the “I’m Bored Blues” while having fun herself.  Impossible you say? Check back on Tuesdays for kid-friendly events that are fun for adults, too.

If you have children in public schools you know that today is “S” day in classrooms across Texas. That’s right, the dreaded math portion of the STAAR test. No doubt many kiddos across North Texas were feeling just a touch of anxiety as they left for school today.

But even if your child isn’t taking the test this week, they’ve likely felt the stress of the past week and are in need of some relief. Sometimes, the best remedy for stress is to get out and do something completely goofy and fun. Lucky you, The Junior has got just the ticket!

Nothing lets off steam like cutting the rug with some ‘toons. The Harrington branch of the Plano Public library is having a preschool dance party this Saturday. Geared just for the toddler set, kids can move to the music and listen to books with a beat. Best of all, with a start time of 10:30 a.m., you can count on a junior taking a really good nap afterward.

And speaking of music (get ready for a segue) you don’t want to miss Art Centre Theatre’s production of The Sound of Music this weekend. You have to admit, it’s pretty much impossible to feel bad after hearing “My Favorite Things,”  “Do-Re-Mi” and “The Lonely Goatherd.” The show runs Friday and Saturday nights through May 11.

Cheer on your favorites at River Legacy’s 24th Annual Cardboard Boat Regatta. Photo: River Legacy Foundation

If you just can’t fight the urge to sing along to your favorite show tunes, then check out the Les Misérables sing-a-long at Studio Movie Grill in Dallas on Sunday afternoon. True, this might be a bit grown-up for some children, but to a lot of kids (including my own), it just doesn’t get any better than belting out “Master of the House” with Sacha Baron Cohen.

Finally, if you really want to peg the Fun-O-Meter head out to Hurricane Harbor in Arlington this Saturday for River Legacy’s 24th Annual Cardboard Boat Regatta. It’s too late to enter your own boat, but you and tinies can cheer on other crews in their cardboard boats or check out activities like the Tornado ride, Hook’s Lagoon and the Whale Sail. There will also be a Mini-Boat Regatta, where kids 4 to 12 can race a small pinewood sailboat along a rain gutter by blowing into the sail.

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling stress-free already.

Therese Powell is an Art&Seek calendar coordinator and KERA-TV producer. She spends most of her free time seeking out adventures for her 7-year-old daughter, Rose. Tell us about your quirky kid adventures by leaving a comment. Or e-mail Therese at