THE BIG 1-0-0: This year, the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra is celebrating its 100th birthday. The group’s had its ups and downs during that time, but it’s interesting to note how many of them have come in just the last few years. The high of the Carnegie Hall performance in 2008, the lows of fighting through the economic downturn and a tough contract negotiation with its musicians. That history and much more is recounted in a story marking the symphony’s centennial. “This orchestra has been going for a hundred years. We’ll have our ups and we’ll have our downs. But because we’re timeless in what we offer, I think we’ll never be obsolete,” former FWSO president Ann Koonsman says in the story.
RELIGION IN THEATER: In Cara Mía Theatre Company’s Milagritos/Little Miracles, a woman from South Texas remembers people from her past as they pin milagritos to a statue of La Virgen de Guadalupe. In recounting the stories, the person the statue represents takes on new meaning. “For something a little different in this season of holiday fare and the usual theatrical suspects, why not pin your hopes on this infectiously entertaining and moving show,” is how M. Lance Lusk wraps up his Front Row review. Lawson Taitte was also moved, calling the show Cara Mia’s “most complete and enjoyable expression to date,” in his review. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are your last three chances to catch the show at the Latino Cultural Center.
SHAKE IT UP: After these last couple of cold days, are you already looking forward to summer? If you regularly sweat it out with Shakespeare in the Park, now you can start planning which shows you’ll see. The company announced that it will produce three shows in 2013: A Midsummer Night Dream, Pericles and The Winter’s Tale. By the time The Winter’s Tale debuts in September, you will, of course, be back to wishing for these cold temps again.