THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT: On Sunday, the Kimbell Art Museum opens “The Kimbell at 40: An Evolving Masterpiece,” the largest ever display of the museum’s collection. And as a sign of where it’s headed, the museum has announced that the show will be accompanied by an iPad app. “With the iPad app, we’re able to deliver in-depth research, descriptive images and intriguing discoveries too extensive to be included on the gallery wall labels, in an innovative format that allows for personalized exploration of the collection,” Kimbell director Eric M. Lee said in a news release. The Art&Seek crew will be checking out the show this morning; expect a report soon.
OUR ‘ENDANGERED LANDSCAPE’: On Wednesday, the Cultural Landscape Foundation added the Nasher Sculpture Center’s garden on its list of “endangered landscapes.” The key word here is “endangered,” as in all that glare from Museum Tower could potentially damage the garden’s plants, but no damage has been found yet. Excerpts of the CLF report and the Nasher’s response to it can be found on
BRING THE NOISE: If you attended Voices of Changes’ live score of the silent film Man With a Movie Camera last Friday during the Dallas Video Festival, you know you witnessed something special. When it was over, composer/conductor Jack Waldenmaier received one of the longest standing ovations I’ve seen – and it was well deserved. Whether or not it will ever be performed again is up in the air, but the good news is that this little trend of live-scoring movies is continuing. Front Row reports that the Dallas Chamber Symphony has two such events on its calendar this season, beginning with A Sailor-Made Man Nov. 13.