THE DOCTOR IS IN: Yesterday, we posted the teaser video for Theatre Three’s Freud’s Last Session, in which the father of psychoanalysis has a fictional, wide-ranging conversation with C.S. Lewis just ahead of WWII. So now that you’ve seen the video, is it worth checking out the show? “This could all seem very clumsy and contrived,” Lawson Taitte writes on “Thank goodness that the production Theatre Three opened on Monday brims with humanity, so you are distracted from any cracks in the structure.” “If you would like to take your brain for a walk, this show offers you a destination that you might find captivating,” is how Punch Shaw sums it up for And David Novinski writes on “Combine the elevated subject with the execution and you have a show that should run a long time.” For now, Freud’s Last Session is scheduled to run through Oct. 20.
OFF THE BOOKS: The Dallas Public Library has been searching for a director for two years now. Candidates have been interviewed, an offer’s been extended, but so far, no director. But reports that if City Manager Mary Suhm (a librarian herself) has her way, someone will be in the position by the end of the year.
GET IN THE GAME: Looking for a reliable time-waste for your Friday? The Dallas Theater Center has posted a videogame on its website tied to its upcoming production of The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity. And it couldn’t be easier. All you’ve got to do is run around a wrestling ring, allowing your opponent to beat the snot out of you. Play well enough (or poorly enough, as it were) and you could win discount tickets to the show.