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The Biggest Screen of All: The Omni Hotel

by Anne Bothwell 27 Sep 2012 11:26 AM

KXT 91.7 FM host Gini Mascorro heads to the roof to check out Expanded Cinema last night.


Jerome told you about the big collaboration between VideoFest, the Omni Hotel and KXT. So how’d it go? KXT 91.7 host Gini Mascorro watched from a roof top last night. Here’s her two cents:

So…did ya see it?  Did ya?  I hope so.  Something tells me that people will still be talking about this for months, only because it was 52 minutes of awesome with LED sprinkles on top.

But yeah, KXT was on hand to air the soundtrack for the VideoFest’s inaugural (and hopefully not the last) Expanded Cinema blowout on the exterior of the Omni Hotel.  Here’s some photographic evidence of the event – including the loving nods to the late, great Candy Barr and Frankie 45 – shot from the parking lot of the Soco Lofts in downtown Dallas.  Hell, it’s almost enough to make me want to move into the Soco Lofts so I can host a rooftop party next year.  Until then, my fingers, eyes, arms and toes are crossed for a repeat performance.

Muchas, muchas gracias to Amber Sladovnik for capturing the Frankie 45 image so beautifully and for letting us use it!
