You may recall Stephen Becker’s story about Artspace, a non-profit that creates affordable live/work space for artists in other cities. The group is exploring a project in Dallas.
We promised to keep you posted about this. You now have two opportunities to learn more, including how you can help with the effort:
On Thursday Sept. 27, the city of Dallas and reps from Artspace will host a public forum from 7-9 p.m. at City Performance Hall. All artists, arts organizations, creative businesses, community leaders, civic leaders/officials, real estate developers, neighborhood residents, media and others who are interested are invited. The evening will be a two-way information gathering session – providing you with more info about Artspace and giving Artspace the opportunity to learn more about specific needs and concerns in Dallas.
And on Wednesday, Sept. 19, Zad Roumaya, a developer who has been working to link Artspace to Dallas, will give a sneak preview, as one of the presenters at Pecha Kucha Dallas Vol. 10. That’s also at City Performance Hall. Tickets ($8 advance) and complete lineup here.
Hundreds of folks responded to Stephen’s story, demonstrating there’s a clear need to address this issue. At Art&Seek, we will continue to keep you updated.