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Art&Seek Jr: Arrrgggg! Talk Like A Pirate!

by Therese Powell 11 Sep 2012 4:48 PM

Don’t be a scurvy dog! Come celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day at the Davis and Harrington branches of the Plano Public Library.


Art&Seek Jr. is one mom‘s quest to find activities to end the seemingly endless chorus of the “I’m Bored Blues” while having fun herself.  Impossible you say? Check back on Tuesdays for kid-friendly events that are fun for adults, too.

Avast me hearties!

One of the curious things I’ve discovered about myself since Rose came into my life, is that I really do love being silly. Not to say that I was a complete stick in the mud without a sense of humor before I had a child. Let’s just say that becoming a parent has helped me embraced the silly girl inside of me, instead of being embarrassed by her. Maybe it’s because being a parent requires me to be so serious, responsible and … well … mature that I jump at the opportunity to partake in general silliness wherever it comes my way.  So imagine my delight this morning when when I looked at the calendar and saw that Talk Like a Pirate Day is just around the corner! Next Wednesday, September 19 to be exact.

Buckle up your little motley crew and point the Jolly Roger roadster up to Plano for some extra pirate shenanigans at two branches of the Plano Public Library. The Harrington branch will be celebrating the day by reading pirate stories and playing pirate games. “Ahoy there you scurvy dog! It was my turn to roll the dice!” There will also be a treasure chest for the for the little buccaneers to raid. The Davis branch will be doing a free screening of the film The Pirates! Band of Misfits, the latest stop-motion animation flick from the folks that brought you the Wallace and Gromit films and Chicken Run. Captain Blood, it’s not. But it pegs the needle on the silliness meter and it’s just the ticket for Talk Like a Pirate Day!

You and the kiddos have a whole week to get the eye-patches ready and master your perfect pirate “Arrrgggg”.  Be sure to check out the official Talk Like Pirate Day website for more silly stuff for junior pirates.

Therese Powell is an Art&Seek calendar coordinator and KERA-TV producer.  She spends most of her free time seeking out adventures for her 7-year-old daughter, Rose.  Tell us about your time for quirky kid adventures by leaving a comment. Or e-mail Therese at