Last week, it was the surprise resignation of AT&T PAC CEO Mark Weinstein after only nine months in office (his predecessor, Mark Nerenhausen, lasted less than two years). Two months ago, we reported on the dozen or so North Texas arts organizations that have searched for, are continuing to search for or just recently found a general director, executive director, managing director or CEO — noting that it’s actually been an industry-wide problem.
Prime example: the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, which has been looking for its third CEO in three years.
Now comes this media advisory:
The Executive Board of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra has temporarily suspended the search for a permanent CEO/President of the DSO until they are further down the road on long-term financial solutions. This allows the Executive Board to remain focused on developing long-term financial solutions to ensure a secure, lasting and vibrant future for the DSO. David Hyslop will continue his service as interim CEO and President.