Congratulations again to Oscar Duran for winning February’s Art&Seek Flickr Photo of the Month for his photo, Butterfly Effect, which was featured as the Photo of the Week on February 8.
In case you missed it, Art&Seek has started a new Flickr Photo of the Month contest to honor our readers’ and listeners’ favorite Photo of the Week winners. The person who submits the best photo of each month will get a free Art&Seek T-shirt and be announced on the air on KERA-FM.
At the end of the year, Flickr Photo of the Month winners will be recognized with other 2012 winners at a special event, where we will celebrate the artwork and announce the Flickr Photo of the Year!
To vote on the Photo of the Month, just become a fan of our Facebook page and vote by liking your photo of choice.
Want to submit a photo for consideration? Join our Flickr group. Or just browse the more than 8,000 gorgeous pix that members have submitted from around North Texas.