MEET MAX: Last week, I attended a luncheon at the Dallas Museum of Art that introduced new director Maxwell Anderson to the media. And all week I intended to write up a little something on it, but, well, the week kinda got away from me. Fortunately, one of my fellow attendees, Michael Granbury, did make time, and something that stuck with me stuck with him, too. “The pursuit of mass-audience appeal is a for-profit goal, not a museum goal,” Anderson said at the lunch. It will be interesting to see how that philosophy guides which traveling exhibitions the museum brings in.
MEET THE GALLERY: Last week, the Art This Week crew interviewed Michelle Rawlings about her show at the Oliver Francis Gallery. And this week, they turn their focus on Kevin Jacobs, the brains behind the new space in Fair Park.
ARCHITECTURE’S MELTDOWN: Last week, Jerome put on a hard hat and toured the Perot Museum of Nature and Science for an update on its progress. But is the future of these types of grand architectural gestures in danger? That’s the case a piece makes, saying that, “For all its soaring lines and innovative solutions, architecture is exposed to the realities of the marketplace like few other fields: The surging sense of possibility that lasted through the ‘90s and the early 2000s flagged when the housing market crashed and turned the U.S. economy upside-down.” And, as the story continues, it’s not just the starchitects who are hurting.