FRONT AND CENTER: This weekend, Dallas Symphony Orchestra principal clarinetist Gregory Raden takes the spotlight when he performs Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto. It seems like a time when a reed player might break out that reed he’s tried out and scurried away for a special occasion. But Raden tells not so. “If I have a reed that feels really good and I set it aside, it is different when I pull it out again. Maybe the weather is dryer or colder or warmer than it was when the reed worked so well. Maybe it dried out wrong. Who knows? It is just not the same. Now that I am preparing for the Mozart concerto, I am putting aside what I call ‘candidates’, but I won’t make a final choice until the last minute.”
GETTING TO GAULTIER: “The Fashion World of Jean Paul Gaultier: From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk” is not long for the DMA – it comes down on Feb. 12. And that’s got museum staff thinking about how it’s going to disassemble the massive show. But before that day comes, exhibition registrar Reagan Duplisea takes a look back at how the show physically came together. More than 20 behind-the-scenes photos are up on the museum’s Uncrated blog.
WORKING WITH SCRAPS: Are you familiar with Green Source DFW? If you’re interested in environmental news and information in North Texas, it’s a good place to start. Currently, the site is featuring a profile of Dallas “recycle artist” Vet, who uses scrap material in her work. “A lot of recycled items are non-toxic overruns and surplus from businesses that would normally be discarded,” she says. “The question I always ask is ‘What can I make with this?'”