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The Big Screen: 'The Iron Lady,' 'Carnage' on Stage and Screen

by Stephen Becker 13 Jan 2012 5:00 AM

This week, we discuss the Margaret Thatcher biopic and speak with Dallas Theater Center assistant director Joel Ferrell about the play God of Carnage and its new film adaptation, Carnage.


Photo: The Weinstein Co.

This week, Art&Seek’s Stephen Becker and Dallas Morning News movie critic Chris Vognar discuss The Iron Lady, starring Meryl Streep as Britain’s first and only woman prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. Also opening this week is Carnage, the film adaptation of the hit play God of Carnage. Dallas Theater Center will stage the regional premiere of the play in May, so we spoke with Joel Ferrell, who will direct the play at DTC about the various incarnations of the story. Be sure to subscribe to The Big Screen podcast on iTunes. Stream this week’s podcast below or download it.

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