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Monday Morning Roundup

by Stephen Becker 12 Dec 2011 7:58 AM

Today in the roundup: Mixed economic reports on the arts, St. Vincent hits the lists and reviewing Theatre Britain’s Dick Whittington.


ECONOMICS AND THE ARTS: A mixed bag of economic reports concerning the arts has been released in the last few days. On the slightly positive side: a study of 113 nonprofit theaters showed that they are seeing an increase in revenue generated by single-ticket sales as well as a boost in their endowments because of upticks in the stock market. Meanwhile, a Bureau of Labor Statistics study showed that Americans are spending less on entertainment – 7 percent less since 2009 to be exact. Curiously, the poor spend a greater percentage of their income to be entertained.

ST. VINCENT HITS THE LISTS: For the next few weeks, we’re going to be up to our eyeballs in year-end lists. And St. Vincent – the pride of Lake Highlands – is already carving out space on some big ones. First, Time magazine named her song “Cruel” as the 9th best song of 2011. And now NPR has included Strange Mercy – the album that “Cruel” appears on – as one of the top albums of 2011.

ALL TOGETHER NOW: Theatre Britain is becoming known for its holiday season pantos, in which audience participation is a big part of the show. Up this year is Dick Whittington, in which a poor boy leaves his family to find his fortune in London. Perry Stewart says the production is “cute, fun, at times awww-inspiring,” in his review. But while the show is meant for the whole family, Liz Johnstone wonders if some of the plays on the title are a big much for the youngsters. “I found myself hoping that the children in the audience were more innocent than I give kids credit for these days,” she writes in an otherwise positive Front Row review. Check it out through Dec. 28.