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Tuesday Roundup

by Jerome Weeks 18 Oct 2011 8:14 AM

Love Field is getting some public art, and we all get a peek. There are two Sams at the Undermain, it’s the 40th anniversary of Afterimage Gallery and Hollywood’s Anonymous film is some serious propaganda — all in the roundup today.


DOES THAT CLOUD LOOK LIKE A CAMEL? — We were just talking about public art in North Texas the other week, a lot of it bad, some of it good and with some serious suggestions for improvement — here and here and over here. Now comes the first look at the 11 planned works for the new, expanded, still-under-construction Love Field. Yesterday, the Dallas City Council’s Arts, Culture & Libraries committee got a briefing on the $3.284 million worth of public art that’ll decorate the place. For that, we’re getting the usual abstract doohickies, a big glass mural of flowers and potentially, my favorites, the two “suspended sculptural installations” by the Ball-Nogues Studio that’ll adorn the concessions area (above). They were inspired by “North Texas sunsets, clouds and sky.” You can check out the full roster here.


The Undermain has opened the Southwest premiere of Ages of the Moon, playwright Sam Shepard’s latest and, judging from the very positive reviews, his most Sam Beckett-y play. But Lawson Taitte in the DMN (pay wall) says if you start off thinking about (and laughing over) the Beckett antics of these two old coots in a fishing shack, you end up thinking of King Lear.

ROUNDING UP THE REST — Over on Glasstire, Betsy Lewis writes about the fortieth anniversary of Afterimage Gallery… The Dallas Museum of Art’s Uncrated blog shows how artist Mark Bradford’s giant wooden “ark” (actually, it’s part of his work Mithra) got installed in its barrel vault…. That new Roland Emmerich thriller opening this week, Anonymous? The one that advances the argument the Earl of Oxford was really Shakespeare? It’s not just another conspiracy-minded, swashbuckling entertainment. It’s a serious piece of pro-Oxford propaganda. Sony is distributing lesson plans to history and literature teachers.