The Stage reports that Britain’s Ambassador Theatre Group will start projecting pre-show ads for Gordon’s Gin on the theater curtains in ATG’s 39 houses. They’ll also run prior to opera, ballet and theater screenings in Pearl & Dean movie theaters. The program is being called a first.
But don’t expect it too soon in North Texas. There’s a major hitch: The vast majority of theaters here do not have curtains. The traditional proscenium stage with curtain barely exists locally — beyond the big houses, that is: the Music Hall, the Majestic, Bass Hall, the Winspear and the Wyly (in certain configurations). So maybe you’ll see it at the Dallas Summer Musicals or the Lexus Broadway Series, but otherwise, theater companies will have to get inventive with scrims, projections on floors and ceilings or, my own personal favorite, individual back-of-seat video screens like those in many airlines.