According to a Norwegian study published in the British Medical Association’s Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, people who attend concerts or visit museums or who paint, play instruments, sculpt, act, whatever — are more satisfied with their lives. Surprisingly, the results did not correlate to their levels of education or wealth.
Also interesting: The link between life satisfaction and cultural activity is not the same for both sexes. For men, it’s more relaxation — being an audience member — that triggers the well-being (an uptick in mood and health). For women, it’s playing music or creating art that lessens anxiety or depression.
Two issues are left unresolved in the Discovery News report: First, is this true for both leisure time activities and the professional work of artists? Second, which came first: Are culturally active people happier/healthier to begin with and seek such outlets? Or do these outlets actually change people’s outlooks?
Image of Droopy from silalice’s blog