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The Friday Roundup

by Jerome Weeks 6 May 2011 7:28 AM

Larry McMurtry ties the knot, an Asian-American runs a major theater and some improvising Texas teens help re-invent the music video with Arcade Fire — what a way to end the week with the Friday Roundup.


TERMS OF ENDEARMENT: According to Michael Granberry in the News — who seems to have gotten the info from the Archer County clerk — author Larry McMurtry, 74, has married Norma Faye Kesey, 76, the widow of author Ken Kesey (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest), who died in 2001. They got hitched in a civil ceremony on April 29 and are on their honeymoon.

FIRST ASIAN-AMERICAN TO RUN MAJOR REGIONAL THEATER: Playwright Chay Yew will run Victory Gardens Theater, which is often cited with Chicago’s other important companies, the Goodman and Steppenwolf. Yew’s  first play, Porcelain, about a gay-straight (or gay-closet) relationship that ends in murder, has been staged by both the Dallas Theater Center and Kitchen Dog.  Victory Gardens was founded in 1974 by seven artists who each ponied up $1000. One of them was Cecil O’Neal, the former head of SMU’s drama department.

BUT WHAT ABOUT ‘TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART’? Rock bands and film directors are re-inventing the music video, making it more ambitious, more interactive, using technology sponsored by Google and intel. And the first video the Wall Street Journal cites is Arcade Fire’s short film, “Scenes from the Suburbs,” created by director Spike Jonze and “a handful of Texas teenagers who helped improvise dialogue for the script.” Here’s the official trailer:

  • Jerome, as usual, you rock it! Lovely news about Mr. McMurtry. Then I adore the transition into the super rad Arcade Fire’s “Scenes from the Suburbs.”
