ALL BLOWN UP: You might have seen the current Flickr Photo of the Week and wondered about the new installation “Half The Air in a Given Space” at the Nasher Sculpture Center — or seen Jerome Weeks’ report on artist Martin Creed’s work. The installation packs nearly 9,000 balloons into a gallery and lets visitors walk through them and get all static-y. Kim Fischer, a reporter at, took a stroll through the gallery and files this video report. If you’ve already taken in the exhibition, watch the video for an advanced look at “Statuesque,” the Nasher’s first outdoor exhibition, which opens this weekend.
ART ALL OVER: This weekend is shaping up to be a big one for the visual arts locally with the Dallas Art Fair and the Suite Art Fair setting up shop. But it’s also going to be big in Austin with the opening of the Texas Biennial. Texas Monthly talks with the woman charged with curating all that art.
THE LABEL MAKER: About a month ago, we passed along word of a new record label opening in Fort Worth called Saint Marie Records. The label is the brainchild of Wyatt Parkins, who has previously done design work for Dallas’ Good Records. He talks about why record labels are still important in an interview with