HELLO, 2011: OK, enough with the lists looking back at 2010. It’s now time for lists that look forward to 2011. And you’ve got plenty to pick from. The arts writers at dfw.com, dallasnews.com and D Magazine each have plenty they are looking forward to in the coming year.
SCREEN TO STAGE: The AT&T Performing Arts Center kicks off its 2011 season on Tuesday with the touring production of Young Frankenstein. Mel Brooks didn’t have quite the same luck adapting it to the stage that he had with The Producers, but then again, that’s a pretty lofty bar as The Producers broke all kinds of box-office records. Brooks talks to Lawson Taitte about how he goes about writing songs for his movies and musicals.
R.I.P. FRANKIE CAMPAGNA: The Dallas music scene suffered a tough loss on New Year’s Day. Frankie Campagna Jr. – frontman of Spector 45 and son of Kettle Art founder Frank Campagna – committed suicide at the age of 24. DC9 at Night has a statement from the family as well as details of a memorial concert on Thursday.