DIRK, THE NEW KANYE: Kanye West’s video for “Power” depicts him as the fixed center around which the world revolves. Sounds about right. Someone in the Mavs’ organization digs the concept, as evidenced by this new take with Dirk Nowitzki playing the Kanye part. With the way Dirk’s been dominating lately, he deserves to wear the giant Kanye chain.
BACK TO WORK: On Sunday, Jerome passed along the news that former Dallas Theater Center regular Martin Rayner had collapsed on stage during a Saturday performance of Freud’s Last Session. In the show, Rayner plays the famed psychologist in his last days before dying from cancer. And unfortunately, Rayner has a lot in common with Freud. It turns our Rayner’s onstage collapse was attributed to treatment the actor is undergoing for prostate cancer. He returned to the stage for Sunday’s matinee performance and he told nytimes.com after the show that his personal struggle certainly informs the character and vice versa. “It seems so ironic to me. Freud is facing mortality in a special way, and having to play that onstage has given me insight into my own situation.”
QUOTABLE: “To play grand piano with a 65-piece orchestra behind me, that’s a dream come true for a kid from West Virginia.”
– Contemporary Christian singer Michael W. Smith, who performs with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra tonight and Wednesday. Read more from Smith at dallasnews.com.